AAM Vision

Associação Algodoeira de Moçambique vision

Alliance 2030 On 12/12/2018 the companies launched a new initiative for cooperation and development of the subsector, in the following terms:

Alliance Vision 2030: Cotton sector as a reference in rural development and in creating impact


Alliance 2030 Strategic Goalss

  1. Consistent, united and coordinated industry.
  2. Cotton as an anchor activity, integrating the corn and oilseeds value chains.
    • 100 thousand tons of quality fiber cotton.
    • 200 thousand tons of various crops (corn and oilseeds).
  3. 30 thousand farmers above poverty levels.
  4. Intervention in key areas of rural development: access to energy, access to financial services, access to the market and access to water and sanitation
  5. Commitment to quality, sustainability, innovation, technology, justice, transparency, defense of gender and youth promotion


Priority areas of intervention 

  1. Integration of corn and oilseeds crops and value chains.
  2. Consolidation of the support mechanism and price stabilization.Solution for the availability of quality seed for everyone
  3. Standardization of the training model and of technical assistance.
  4. Specific technological development seeking simultaneously a better field yield, reduction of farmers' production costs and improvement of the sustainability of natural resources and of the ecosystem (priorities: minimum soil tillage and weed control).
  5. Improvement of input distribution and sales models.
  6. Development of initiatives in key areas of rural development: access to energy, access to financial services, access to the market and access to water and sanitation.
  7. Promotion of the Mozambique Cotton brand
  8. Statistics and database.
  9. Close and proactive coordination between companies and all key players.
  10. Optimization of operating costs (particular focus on tariffs and port costs).

Aspects of law:

  1. Revision of the Tax on Income rate to 10%.
  2. Correction of the customs tariff error that imposes duties and VAT for some molecules and packaging. .
  3. VAT aspects: zero rate on the 2nd and 3rd seed-cotton transactions; in the sale of fiber to the domestic industry; in the sale of crude oil to the national refining industry.
  4. Replenishment of the mechanisms for forward sell of export currency (foreign exchange risk management mechanism.

Alliance 2030


Consistent, united and coordinated industry


Cotton as an anchor activity

30 thousand

agricultures above poverty levels

Rural development

Intervention in key areas


quality, sustainability, innovation, technology, justice, transparency, defense of gender and promotion of youth.